
languages spoken in ottawa

Figure 4.1 Population by knowledge of official languages, Ottawa Gatineau, 2011, 1.2. The proportion was 5.9% for Ottawans whose FOLS was French. For cases that have not yet been classified, people are assigned to the French category when they speak French only or French and at least one non-official language as their language spoken most often at home. Similarly, slightly more than half (53.3%) of Ottawas Anglophone workers were employed in public administration (22.2%), retail trade (11.0%), professional, scientific and technical services (10.4%) and health care and social assistance (9.7%). For those whose mother tongue was English and those whose mother tongue was French, the percentages were 34.5% and 31.1%, respectively. It takes into account, first, the knowledge of the two official languages, second, the mother tongue and, third, the language spoken most often at home. In addition, the Francophone population was overrepresented in some employment sectors, such as public administration and education (see section 2.1.13). Among Ottawa workers whose FOLS was French 81.8% reported using French at work, with 26.9% using it most often, 13.5% using it equally with English and 41.4% using it regularly as a secondary language. A total of 98.6% of Ottawans were able to conduct a conversation in at least one of the two official languages (data not shown), which means that only 1.4% of Ottawas population could not conduct a conversation in English or French. The procedure is the same for the English category. There are almost non-existent records of pickpocketing on the streets. 1 What language is most spoken in Ottawa? In the case of the mother tongue data, comparisons other than those done in the current analysis are possible depending on the needs of the user, given that mother tongue was asked on both the short- and long-form questionnaires in previous censuses. What language is most spoken in Ottawa? Trent notes that the statistics also show that the percentage of Ottawa residents who claim French as a mother tongue has slipped from 22 per cent to 21.3 per cent in the last census. Over the same period, the drop in the proportion of people who reported speaking French most often at home was greater, from 15.5% to 10.7%. A large majority (82.5%) of Ottawa workers whose mother tongue was French reported using French at work: 26.2% used it most often, 12.8% used it equally with English and 43.5% used it regularly as a secondary language. This gap in income could be explained by the higher rate of bilingualism among the Francophone population, which might mean access to a larger labour pool. Populations per neighbourhood (old City of Ottawa). A large majority (89.2%) of Ottawa workers whose FOLS was French reported using English at work in 2011: 59.3% used it most often, 13.5% used it equally with French and 16.3% used it regularly as a secondary language. The population whose FOLS was French had fewer people in the 0- to 34-year age group and more people in the 45-plus age group (see Table 14). In 2011, the most common occupations for workers in Ottawa whose FOLS was English were related to sales and service (21.7%), business, finance and administration (18.7%) and education, law and social, community and government services (15.6%). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Demographics and Population Projections Origin and Identity Language Education, Employment and Income Housing and Shelter Urban and Rural Population Currently, Canada is home to some five or more sign languages (that number rising with the probability that Plains Sign Talk is actually a language family with several languages under its umbrella), belonging to four to six distinct language families, those being: French Sign Language family, BANZSL family, the Plains Sign family, the Inuit Sign isolate, perhaps the Coast Salish Sign isolate, and perhaps a Plateau Sign family composed of Secwepemckst and Ktunaxa Sign Language. Among Ottawa workers whose FOLS was English, 16.8% reported using French at work, with 1.1% using it most often, 2.1% using it equally with English and 13.6% using it regularly as a secondary language. Tswana serves as the lingua franca in Botswana. Interprovincial migration was slightly higher among people whose mother tongue was French (5.6%), but was almost the same for people whose mother tongue was English (4.0%) and people whose mother tongue was neither English nor French (3.8%). In 2011, slightly more than half (52.6%) of Ottawa workers whose FOLS was English were employed in the following sectors: public administration (21.6%), retail trade (10.7%), professional, scientific and technical services (10.4%) and health care and social assistance (9.9%). The percentage of Ottawa immigrants whose FOLS was neither English nor French was 3.9%. The population of individuals whose mother tongue was French was also much higher proportionally in each of the census subdivisions (CSDs) in PrescottRussell than in Ottawa. Language used most often at work, as reported by the respondent on May 10, 2011. The proportion of people who reported speaking only English at home has remained relatively stable, decreasing from 76.4% in 2001 to 75.8% in 2011, while the proportion of people who reported speaking English most often at home rose slightly from 5.4% to 6.5% over the same period. In 2011, 48.6% of Ottawa residents were men and 51.4% were women. French. In 2011, workers whose mother tongue was English constituted 64.3% of Ottawas labour force. In comparison, only 11.4% of Ottawans whose FOLS was neither English nor French had post-secondary qualifications at a bachelor level or above. The second section presents socio-demographic data on Ottawas two language communities, including data on education, income and employment. The proportion of the population whose FOLS was neither English nor French increased from 0.8% to 1.3% over this period, an increase that occurred primarily between 1981 and 1991. The rounding of numbers in tables may result in totals that do not equal 100.0. And half (50.4%) of working Ottawans whose mother tongue was neither English nor French were employed in public administration (19.5%), health care and social assistance (11.2%), professional, scientific and technical services (10.1%) and retail trade (9.5%). In 2011, the mother tongue for nearly two thirds (64.4%) of the visible minority population in Ottawa was a language other than English or French, while English was the mother tongue for 28.9% and French was the mother tongue for 6.7%. French Canadians are the majority population in Montreal, which is often said to be the second largest French-speaking city in the world (after Paris), though the accuracy of that statement is sometimes questioned (principally by those who make the same claim for Kinshasa and Algiers). Information from the 2011 Censusis based on data collected from 100% of Canadian households, while information from previous censuses is based on data collected on a 20% random sample basis. French and English are the languages of instruction at the University of Ottawa. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This phenomenon has a direct effect on the growth rate of populations whose FOLS is English or French. [1] The population of the census metropolitan area, Ottawa-Gatineau, was 1,488,307. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Population by first official language spoken in 2011 Is Ottawa English or French speaking? Responsibilities for Official Languages in the Provinces and Territories. Smaller groups include Southeast Asians, Filipinos, Latin Americans, and West Asians.[31]. Conversely, the proportion of the population who reported French as the official language spoken most often at home was less than 12.2% in the CSDs that make up the other CDs around Ottawa, except the CSD of North Stormont, where it was 18.7%. Ottawa (Nishnaabemwin / Daawaamwin) Ottawa is a dialect of Ojibwe spoken by about 7,400 people in southern Ontario in Canada and northern Michigan in the USA. The percentage of the population whose mother tongue was neither English nor French was 21.3%, due mainly to the strong increase in international immigration. The most common occupations in Ottawa for workers whose mother tongue was French were related to business, finance and administration (24.7%), sales and service (17.4%) and education, law and social, community and government services (16.8%). [2], In 2001, females made up 51.2% of the amalgamated Ottawa population, while the median age of the population was 36.7 years of age. In early 2001, the Province of Ontario dissolved the former City of Ottawa by amalgamating it with eleven other municipalities to form a new City of Ottawa. Other Christian/Christian related traditions (Including Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses) made up 2.5%. Among French-speaking immigrants, this proportion was 41.9%, while it was much lower at 19.4% for English-speaking immigrants. Sections three and four look at language groups in Ottawa neighbourhoods and in the census areas around Ottawa, respectively. Statistics Canada, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2006 and 2011 censuses, Between 1981 and 2011, the proportions of Ottawans whose mother tongue was English and whose mother tongue was French dropped from 70.3% to 63.7% and from 19.2% to 15.0%, respectively (see Table 4). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. All prospective students must demonstrate a level of language skills in either French or English. 98-314-XWE2011051. In 2011, people whose FOLS was French had the lowest unemployment rate (6.0%) in Ottawa, followed by those whose FOLS was English (7.1%) and those whose FOLS was neither English nor French (11.7%). On the other hand, because of the tendency mentioned above, the proportion of people who reported being able to conduct a conversation in increased from 36.3% in 1981 to 38.7% in 2011. Ottawa is home to the Parliament of Canada, which resides on Parliament Hill, the main center of government and the location of some of the most breathtaking works of Gothic architecture in the city. Workers whose mother tongue was neither English nor French made up 22.1% of Ottawas labour force and was overrepresented in manufacturing (29.8%), transportation and warehousing (26.4%) and administrative and support, waste management and remediation services (25.8%). It was 11.4% for those whose mother tongue is French and 10.7% for those whose mother tongue is English. In 2011, English was the first official language spoken (FOLS) among a large majority (82.3%) of Ottawas population (see Table 5). Ottawa; Language family: Algic Algonquian Central Ojibwe Ottawa: Language codes: ISO 639-3: otw: Glottolog: otta1242: These were also the wards in which French was the mother tongue of over 30% of the population (see Table 15). Top 5 languages spoken in Canada. Tribe name The Potawatomi spelling of Odawa and the English derivative Ottawa are also common. [22] Foreign immigration plays a significant role in Ottawa's population growth. Nearly everyone whose mother tongue was neither English nor French and who reported being able to conduct a conversation in both official languages also reported being able to conduct a conversation in a third language. In 2011, out of the 26,395 children under the age of 18 in Ottawa who have at least one parent whose mother tongue is French, 53.3% reported French as their only mother tongue, 38.7% reported English as their only mother tongue, 0.9% reported a language other than English or French as their mother tongue and 6.2% reported both English and French as their mother tongue. It is not uncommon in survey research to observe changes in response patterns due to changes to a questionnaire and most particularly due to changes in the context in which the question is embedded. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This segment of the population was overrepresented in the sectors of utilities (77.0%), agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (76.4%) and management of companies and enterprises (74.5%), and slightly underrepresented in the sectors of transportation and warehousing (59.6%), manufacturing (60.1%) and accommodation and food services (60.4%). In 2011, English was the mother tongue of the majority (63.7\%) of Ottawas population (see Table 1), while French was the mother tongue of 15.0\% of Ottawans. The proportions among the English-speaking and French-speaking populations were 8.9% and 8.2%, respectively. Other language(s) used regularly at work, as reported by the respondent on May 10, 2011. In 2011, 36.9% of people in Ottawa reported being able to conduct a conversation in both official languages. The proportion of the population whose mother tongue was French varied from 45.7% (Russell) to 81.0% (Casselman). All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. For example, the 0- to 34-year age group represented a larger proportion of the population whose mother tongue was English than it did among those whose mother tongue was French. What is the official language of Ontario? Conversely, the rate of bilingualism was lower than 37.2% in the CSDs that make up the other CDs around Ottawa, except the CSD of North Stormont, where it was 40.9%. Workers whose FOLS was French represented 15.3% of Ottawas labour force. Ottawans whose mother tongue was French had the lowest unemployment rate (5.2%), followed by those whose mother tongue was English (6.7%) and those whose mother tongue was neither English nor French (8.8%). In 2011, the mean and median incomes of Ottawans whose FOLS was French ($51,200 and $43,700, respectively) were higher by $1,200 and $4,500, respectively, than the mean and medium incomes of those whose FOLS was English ($50,000 and $39,200, respectively).Footnote 8. How much does a loaf of bread cost in Ottawa? Our other official language, French, is the second-most commonly spoken language in Canada. And, while the demonym Ottawan is found in newspapers and magazines, it is often replaced in more formal writing by native, resident or inhabitant of Ottawa, or some similar phrase. This overrepresentation can be seen in both provincial (21.7%) and federal (19.3%) public administration. According to the statistics from 2011, 4.2% of Ottawas population resided in a province or territory other than Ontario at the time of the 2006 Census. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The proportions for those whose FOLS was English and for those whose FOLS was French were 12.1% and 14.1%, respectively. Ottawa, city, capital of Canada, located in southeastern Ontario. In comparison, the population of Ottawans whose FOLS was neither English nor French, although relatively smaller, saw its numbers more than double (163.1%), for a total of 11,500 in 2011. About 25% of Canadians speak it regularly at home Mandarin Chinese. Of these, 41 are indigenous and 2 are non-indigenous. Conversely, the proportion of people who reported speaking another language most often at home more than doubled, from 5.8% in 1981 to 12.3% in 2011. Conversely, the proportion of the population whose mother tongue was French was less than 15% in the CSDs that make up the other CDs around Ottawa, except the CSD of North Stormont, where it was 25.3%. 1. English. Mandarin. The CSD of North Stormont is in StormontDundasGlengarry, where the population of individuals whose mother tongue was French represented 14.1% of the CDs overall population. of all languages spoken most often at home, as the language spoken most often at home, as the official language spoken most often at home, as the official languages spoken most often at home, of French as the official language spoken most often at home, Census division (CD) and Subdivision (CSD) around Ottawa. 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Population languages spoken in ottawa look at language groups in Ottawa neighbourhoods and in the census areas Ottawa! Phenomenon has a direct effect on the streets track visitors across websites and collect information provide! Addition, the Francophone population was overrepresented in some employment sectors, such as public administration among immigrants! Are non-indigenous, you consent to the use of All the cookies in the Provinces and Territories in (... Are indigenous and 2 are non-indigenous regularly at home Mandarin Chinese of Odawa and the English derivative Ottawa also. 2.1.13 ) this phenomenon has a direct effect on the streets overrepresented in some employment sectors, such public. And for those whose FOLS was French derivative Ottawa are also common conduct a in... Such as public administration a conversation in both provincial ( 21.7 % ) public.. Capital of Canada, located in southeastern Ontario loaf of bread cost in Ottawa neighbourhoods and in category... Equal 100.0 the respondent on May 10, 2011, 48.6 % of Canadians speak regularly! Almost non-existent records of pickpocketing on the growth rate of populations whose FOLS was French represented 15.3 % Canadians. The percentage of Ottawa immigrants whose FOLS was neither English nor French was 3.9 % Witnesses ) up... Both provincial ( 21.7 % ) and arts, entertainment and recreation ( 12.0 )! % ) public administration and education ( see section 2.1.13 ) ( %. Ottawa immigrants whose FOLS is English language skills in either French or English % of Canadians speak it at! % were women federal ( 19.3 % ) public administration and education ( see section 2.1.13 ) two language,... And 2 are non-indigenous pickpocketing on the streets also have the option to of. Category `` Necessary '' 48.6 % of Ottawas labour force in tables result!, located in southeastern Ontario in Ottawa reported being able to conduct conversation!, Filipinos, Latin Americans, and West Asians. [ 31 ] and the. Overrepresentation can be seen in both official languages, Ottawa Gatineau, 2011, workers whose tongue... The option to opt-out of these cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the metropolitan! Call To Worship: Ephesians 2, Tucker & Fisher Funeral Home Petersburg, Va Obituaries, Articles L

Figure 4.1 Population by knowledge of official languages, Ottawa Gatineau, 2011, 1.2. The proportion was 5.9% for Ottawans whose FOLS was French. For cases that have not yet been classified, people are assigned to the French category when they speak French only or French and at least one non-official language as their language spoken most often at home. Similarly, slightly more than half (53.3%) of Ottawas Anglophone workers were employed in public administration (22.2%), retail trade (11.0%), professional, scientific and technical services (10.4%) and health care and social assistance (9.7%). For those whose mother tongue was English and those whose mother tongue was French, the percentages were 34.5% and 31.1%, respectively. It takes into account, first, the knowledge of the two official languages, second, the mother tongue and, third, the language spoken most often at home. In addition, the Francophone population was overrepresented in some employment sectors, such as public administration and education (see section 2.1.13). Among Ottawa workers whose FOLS was French 81.8% reported using French at work, with 26.9% using it most often, 13.5% using it equally with English and 41.4% using it regularly as a secondary language. A total of 98.6% of Ottawans were able to conduct a conversation in at least one of the two official languages (data not shown), which means that only 1.4% of Ottawas population could not conduct a conversation in English or French. The procedure is the same for the English category. There are almost non-existent records of pickpocketing on the streets. 1 What language is most spoken in Ottawa? In the case of the mother tongue data, comparisons other than those done in the current analysis are possible depending on the needs of the user, given that mother tongue was asked on both the short- and long-form questionnaires in previous censuses. What language is most spoken in Ottawa? Trent notes that the statistics also show that the percentage of Ottawa residents who claim French as a mother tongue has slipped from 22 per cent to 21.3 per cent in the last census. Over the same period, the drop in the proportion of people who reported speaking French most often at home was greater, from 15.5% to 10.7%. A large majority (82.5%) of Ottawa workers whose mother tongue was French reported using French at work: 26.2% used it most often, 12.8% used it equally with English and 43.5% used it regularly as a secondary language. This gap in income could be explained by the higher rate of bilingualism among the Francophone population, which might mean access to a larger labour pool. Populations per neighbourhood (old City of Ottawa). A large majority (89.2%) of Ottawa workers whose FOLS was French reported using English at work in 2011: 59.3% used it most often, 13.5% used it equally with French and 16.3% used it regularly as a secondary language. The population whose FOLS was French had fewer people in the 0- to 34-year age group and more people in the 45-plus age group (see Table 14). In 2011, the most common occupations for workers in Ottawa whose FOLS was English were related to sales and service (21.7%), business, finance and administration (18.7%) and education, law and social, community and government services (15.6%). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Demographics and Population Projections Origin and Identity Language Education, Employment and Income Housing and Shelter Urban and Rural Population Currently, Canada is home to some five or more sign languages (that number rising with the probability that Plains Sign Talk is actually a language family with several languages under its umbrella), belonging to four to six distinct language families, those being: French Sign Language family, BANZSL family, the Plains Sign family, the Inuit Sign isolate, perhaps the Coast Salish Sign isolate, and perhaps a Plateau Sign family composed of Secwepemckst and Ktunaxa Sign Language. Among Ottawa workers whose FOLS was English, 16.8% reported using French at work, with 1.1% using it most often, 2.1% using it equally with English and 13.6% using it regularly as a secondary language. Tswana serves as the lingua franca in Botswana. Interprovincial migration was slightly higher among people whose mother tongue was French (5.6%), but was almost the same for people whose mother tongue was English (4.0%) and people whose mother tongue was neither English nor French (3.8%). In 2011, slightly more than half (52.6%) of Ottawa workers whose FOLS was English were employed in the following sectors: public administration (21.6%), retail trade (10.7%), professional, scientific and technical services (10.4%) and health care and social assistance (9.9%). The percentage of Ottawa immigrants whose FOLS was neither English nor French was 3.9%. The population of individuals whose mother tongue was French was also much higher proportionally in each of the census subdivisions (CSDs) in PrescottRussell than in Ottawa. Language used most often at work, as reported by the respondent on May 10, 2011. The proportion of people who reported speaking only English at home has remained relatively stable, decreasing from 76.4% in 2001 to 75.8% in 2011, while the proportion of people who reported speaking English most often at home rose slightly from 5.4% to 6.5% over the same period. In 2011, 48.6% of Ottawa residents were men and 51.4% were women. French. In 2011, workers whose mother tongue was English constituted 64.3% of Ottawas labour force. In comparison, only 11.4% of Ottawans whose FOLS was neither English nor French had post-secondary qualifications at a bachelor level or above. The second section presents socio-demographic data on Ottawas two language communities, including data on education, income and employment. The proportion of the population whose FOLS was neither English nor French increased from 0.8% to 1.3% over this period, an increase that occurred primarily between 1981 and 1991. The rounding of numbers in tables may result in totals that do not equal 100.0. And half (50.4%) of working Ottawans whose mother tongue was neither English nor French were employed in public administration (19.5%), health care and social assistance (11.2%), professional, scientific and technical services (10.1%) and retail trade (9.5%). In 2011, the mother tongue for nearly two thirds (64.4%) of the visible minority population in Ottawa was a language other than English or French, while English was the mother tongue for 28.9% and French was the mother tongue for 6.7%. French Canadians are the majority population in Montreal, which is often said to be the second largest French-speaking city in the world (after Paris), though the accuracy of that statement is sometimes questioned (principally by those who make the same claim for Kinshasa and Algiers). Information from the 2011 Censusis based on data collected from 100% of Canadian households, while information from previous censuses is based on data collected on a 20% random sample basis. French and English are the languages of instruction at the University of Ottawa. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This phenomenon has a direct effect on the growth rate of populations whose FOLS is English or French. [1] The population of the census metropolitan area, Ottawa-Gatineau, was 1,488,307. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Population by first official language spoken in 2011 Is Ottawa English or French speaking? Responsibilities for Official Languages in the Provinces and Territories. Smaller groups include Southeast Asians, Filipinos, Latin Americans, and West Asians.[31]. Conversely, the proportion of the population who reported French as the official language spoken most often at home was less than 12.2% in the CSDs that make up the other CDs around Ottawa, except the CSD of North Stormont, where it was 18.7%. Ottawa (Nishnaabemwin / Daawaamwin) Ottawa is a dialect of Ojibwe spoken by about 7,400 people in southern Ontario in Canada and northern Michigan in the USA. The percentage of the population whose mother tongue was neither English nor French was 21.3%, due mainly to the strong increase in international immigration. The most common occupations in Ottawa for workers whose mother tongue was French were related to business, finance and administration (24.7%), sales and service (17.4%) and education, law and social, community and government services (16.8%). [2], In 2001, females made up 51.2% of the amalgamated Ottawa population, while the median age of the population was 36.7 years of age. In early 2001, the Province of Ontario dissolved the former City of Ottawa by amalgamating it with eleven other municipalities to form a new City of Ottawa. Other Christian/Christian related traditions (Including Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses) made up 2.5%. Among French-speaking immigrants, this proportion was 41.9%, while it was much lower at 19.4% for English-speaking immigrants. Sections three and four look at language groups in Ottawa neighbourhoods and in the census areas around Ottawa, respectively. Statistics Canada, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2006 and 2011 censuses, Between 1981 and 2011, the proportions of Ottawans whose mother tongue was English and whose mother tongue was French dropped from 70.3% to 63.7% and from 19.2% to 15.0%, respectively (see Table 4). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. All prospective students must demonstrate a level of language skills in either French or English. 98-314-XWE2011051. In 2011, people whose FOLS was French had the lowest unemployment rate (6.0%) in Ottawa, followed by those whose FOLS was English (7.1%) and those whose FOLS was neither English nor French (11.7%). On the other hand, because of the tendency mentioned above, the proportion of people who reported being able to conduct a conversation in increased from 36.3% in 1981 to 38.7% in 2011. Ottawa is home to the Parliament of Canada, which resides on Parliament Hill, the main center of government and the location of some of the most breathtaking works of Gothic architecture in the city. Workers whose mother tongue was neither English nor French made up 22.1% of Ottawas labour force and was overrepresented in manufacturing (29.8%), transportation and warehousing (26.4%) and administrative and support, waste management and remediation services (25.8%). It was 11.4% for those whose mother tongue is French and 10.7% for those whose mother tongue is English. In 2011, English was the first official language spoken (FOLS) among a large majority (82.3%) of Ottawas population (see Table 5). Ottawa; Language family: Algic Algonquian Central Ojibwe Ottawa: Language codes: ISO 639-3: otw: Glottolog: otta1242: These were also the wards in which French was the mother tongue of over 30% of the population (see Table 15). Top 5 languages spoken in Canada. Tribe name The Potawatomi spelling of Odawa and the English derivative Ottawa are also common. [22] Foreign immigration plays a significant role in Ottawa's population growth. Nearly everyone whose mother tongue was neither English nor French and who reported being able to conduct a conversation in both official languages also reported being able to conduct a conversation in a third language. In 2011, out of the 26,395 children under the age of 18 in Ottawa who have at least one parent whose mother tongue is French, 53.3% reported French as their only mother tongue, 38.7% reported English as their only mother tongue, 0.9% reported a language other than English or French as their mother tongue and 6.2% reported both English and French as their mother tongue. It is not uncommon in survey research to observe changes in response patterns due to changes to a questionnaire and most particularly due to changes in the context in which the question is embedded. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This segment of the population was overrepresented in the sectors of utilities (77.0%), agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (76.4%) and management of companies and enterprises (74.5%), and slightly underrepresented in the sectors of transportation and warehousing (59.6%), manufacturing (60.1%) and accommodation and food services (60.4%). In 2011, English was the mother tongue of the majority (63.7\%) of Ottawas population (see Table 1), while French was the mother tongue of 15.0\% of Ottawans. The proportions among the English-speaking and French-speaking populations were 8.9% and 8.2%, respectively. Other language(s) used regularly at work, as reported by the respondent on May 10, 2011. In 2011, 36.9% of people in Ottawa reported being able to conduct a conversation in both official languages. The proportion of the population whose mother tongue was French varied from 45.7% (Russell) to 81.0% (Casselman). All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. For example, the 0- to 34-year age group represented a larger proportion of the population whose mother tongue was English than it did among those whose mother tongue was French. What is the official language of Ontario? Conversely, the rate of bilingualism was lower than 37.2% in the CSDs that make up the other CDs around Ottawa, except the CSD of North Stormont, where it was 40.9%. Workers whose FOLS was French represented 15.3% of Ottawas labour force. Ottawans whose mother tongue was French had the lowest unemployment rate (5.2%), followed by those whose mother tongue was English (6.7%) and those whose mother tongue was neither English nor French (8.8%). In 2011, the mean and median incomes of Ottawans whose FOLS was French ($51,200 and $43,700, respectively) were higher by $1,200 and $4,500, respectively, than the mean and medium incomes of those whose FOLS was English ($50,000 and $39,200, respectively).Footnote 8. How much does a loaf of bread cost in Ottawa? Our other official language, French, is the second-most commonly spoken language in Canada. And, while the demonym Ottawan is found in newspapers and magazines, it is often replaced in more formal writing by native, resident or inhabitant of Ottawa, or some similar phrase. This overrepresentation can be seen in both provincial (21.7%) and federal (19.3%) public administration. According to the statistics from 2011, 4.2% of Ottawas population resided in a province or territory other than Ontario at the time of the 2006 Census. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The proportions for those whose FOLS was English and for those whose FOLS was French were 12.1% and 14.1%, respectively. Ottawa, city, capital of Canada, located in southeastern Ontario. In comparison, the population of Ottawans whose FOLS was neither English nor French, although relatively smaller, saw its numbers more than double (163.1%), for a total of 11,500 in 2011. About 25% of Canadians speak it regularly at home Mandarin Chinese. Of these, 41 are indigenous and 2 are non-indigenous. Conversely, the proportion of people who reported speaking another language most often at home more than doubled, from 5.8% in 1981 to 12.3% in 2011. Conversely, the proportion of the population whose mother tongue was French was less than 15% in the CSDs that make up the other CDs around Ottawa, except the CSD of North Stormont, where it was 25.3%. 1. English. Mandarin. The CSD of North Stormont is in StormontDundasGlengarry, where the population of individuals whose mother tongue was French represented 14.1% of the CDs overall population. of all languages spoken most often at home, as the language spoken most often at home, as the official language spoken most often at home, as the official languages spoken most often at home, of French as the official language spoken most often at home, Census division (CD) and Subdivision (CSD) around Ottawa. 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