I am at the movies right now. These were known as shebeens by the populous. Now the word is used to refer to a particular sub-culture of homeless people who are usually found in Cape Town. You may also like: America's most hated slang words, explained. Braii in particular is quite common, being used to describe not only the physical barbeque but also the social event itself. WebTannie "aunt", used by Afrikaans-speakers tops "excellent", "the best" Toppie "old man", used by Afrikaans-speakers Whakind a greeting, usually used amongst guys WebThis Afrikaans Swear Words Adult Coloring Book has 14 single-sided designs and filled with hilarious offensive quotes explained in English. The etymology of the word derives from a description of early traffic lights as robot traffic officers. This word is similar to the American English word cunt. It originates from the Afrikaan word bang and it is used to scare people or make the person be afraid. Some of these languages that have attributed to the slang words are English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Tswana and Swazi. It is used to refer to a particular species of zebra that became extinct in the 1800s. Eg. However, in a slang context, it literally means to punch or to hit. These are the Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Venda, Swazi, Xhosa, Tsonga and Tswana. This slang is an action word which means to punch or slap, but can be as well used to refer to the sound made when someone or something is being punched. (I bumped my head against the wall, ouch!). 4. WebIn this lesson, you'll learn some common South African slang words. Raptor Translations Magazine. Meaning: There are no problems : dont worry about it. Thank you. 13. If the word As with most languages and slang words in particular, time and other cultural influences have shaped Afrikaans and its slang into what it is today. This book is perfect for anyone who is learning Afrikaans Product Details: Perfect for all coloring mediums; Premium matte-finish cover , ( . Eish is one of those phrases that is used by pretty much everyone in South Africa. South Africa has a rich culture of slang, and over the years, popular words and phrases across all language groups have become commonly used by locals, and widely misunderstood by wide-eyed tourists. Boerewors is Afrikaans for farmers sausage., Male friend, dude. Enjoy! Hakuna Matata. Also refers to a huge behind. Below are 50 phrases and slang tourists may hear when visiting South Africa. dobbel gamble duidelik direct from Afrikaans, meaning clear; used to express clarity on something or excitement about something. Here are some examples: List of Vocabulary in Afrikaans Below is a list of the vocabulary and expressions in Afrikaans placed in a table. 'Jinne man, just put on your tekkies and your costume, don't be dof! Lekker is the Afrikaans equivalent of Germans lecker, deriving from the Dutch word. The word is in most cases used to refer to a group of homeless people who are situated in Cape Town. Part of Alexander Moore Partners Ltd. Who Was Rossana Maiorca and What Caused Her Death? [ach-man] Oh man! Skollie (skor ly):Also referred to as skabenga (ska beng ga) and skelm (skeh lim). If you happen to visit a restaurant and hear people order slap chips, do not think that they are referring to any special dish. Often doubled when used sharp sharp!, Expression of disgust, disappointment, or annoyance Examples:Ag, sies, man! That meal was sies, Thick cut fries, usually soft and soaked in vinegar. Once Apartheid ended, shebeen became a blanket term for bars as a whole. Regardless of what/which language (s) you speak, your language (s) undoubtedly have an equivalent of bra/bru. WebSOUTH AFRICAN SLANG WORD OF THE DAY: WAATI. This is used to depict clarity on a thing or excitement. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. For example, in English, we have the term Bro or even, Dude. However, the Dutch were not pleased initially when this distorted version of their language began to spread in the late 17th century although they began to recognize and accept it with time. Kwashiorkor. WebThe South African English lends quite a few words from Afrikaans and the African languages like Xhosa or Zulu which are spoken widely by the black population of the country. used to describe an unspecified time in the near future or recent past. Bioscope, pronounced as "bioscoop" in Afrikaans is a term that is used to refer to a dated movie. ", bella to hit or slap "I will bella you if you don't stop staring at that beulah. What a fun post!!! In a case where the hearer beats you to it and asks you first, how are you and you are in need of the right words to give for a reply, Goed dankie, en met jou? does the job. This list of "Afrikanerisms" (referred to as "funagalore" - not to be confused with the created language Fanagalo which was used in the mines of South Africa (also known as RSA) to ensure workers from various language backgrounds could communicate) comprises slang words and phrases influenced by Afrikaans and other African languages. WebAfrikaans sayings are often so very literal. "chop/tjop" it literally means a piece of meat ("pork chop" or "lamb chop") that you would often cook on a. It could also be used to express astonishment, especially in a rude manner. Many words are shared with Coloured slang, such as pozzie (in Durban) and let's waai. Literally, shame is an emotion felt after doing something wrong. It derives from the Dutch word for lightning, and often occurs in conjunction with donner. . The slang this basically used by Afrikaans to greet people. Usually seen as derogatory. It can also be used to mean a small container. It could also be used to refer to the cinema. Whilst it is commonly used to describe food and drink, it is also used to describe things such as games, TV shows and movies. Dont skinner about me. Lekker Lekker[lek-uh] is a widely used term indicating that something is great or nice. READ ALSO: 250 most common Afrikaans words translated in English. That response may just be the beginning of an awesome relationship to come. [Ach-man] This is the Afrikaans equivalent to Oh man! and is often used at the beginning of a sentence to express pity, resignation or irritation. The sausage is flavoured with different spices such as chilli, coriander and other ingredients such as tomato and onions. This language subsequently formed the integral parts of many South African slang words. Domkop: This word is similar to the German word Dummkopf. Calling your biological male sibling or a male friend brother basically binds your together and makes the relationship you share very easy-going. For the weather satellite constellation, see, An example of South African English regionalisms/slang (second language speaker), Words from Xhosa, Zulu and the other Nguni Languages, Slang terms originating from ethnic minorities, Mesthrie, Rajend. Before you go around using these South African slang words, I feel the need to warn you. 18. It is often used as a double positive Yebo, Yes!. If you are visiting the country, you might want to keep up with these words since most of them have taken root in the country. Whilst almost unheard of outside of South Africa, Boerewors are a mainstay of any braii in South Africa and an essential part of any South Africans diet. Perhaps not surprisingly, as many of these parties involve alcohol, jolling (a verb derived from jol) is a South African slang term used in the same way that American slang speakers might use the term to make out. In most cases, they are sold in restaurants and most seafood joints. The term is mostly used to express astonishment. Comes from the African word for "person" N'er: Blacks: Nonchalant way of saying "nigger." I just took it to mean literally anything. Sommer stick them in a bakkie. can be used in practically every situation you are presented with. Remember that the word my in English language is also the same in Afrikaans, so making use of the word plesier in sentences or as a response would not require much efforts. WebItalian word for egg plant, which is black when uncooked. gatvol - fed up, had enough. Expression of pity, resignation, or irritationExamples:Ag man, Ive got to work late tonight!Ag, shame man!, Hello, greeting between close friends/mates.Example: Awe, my bru!, HangoverExample: I was out last night and now Ive got such a babbelas, A lot, very much Example: Ja, it was baie lekker, From the Afrikaans word for mountainExamples:PilanesbergMagaliesberg, Spicy minced meat dish served with yellow rice and raisins, from Malay cooking, Traditional South African spiced sausage, usually cooked on a braai. More so, in case you want to teach your young ones Afrikaans (which is necessary in order to prevent the language from becoming extinct), you can use these words as a guide. It can be used in various ways to show that you want some water. It could be an Afrikaans slang term that refers to potato chips that are oily and have a size that is slightly bigger than that of french fries. ; . Do you know any useful South African phrases? This is just a small selection of the country's most popular slang, words and phrases: bakkie - a utility or pick-up truck In general, you're not going to have a problem communicating with others, but locals Babbelas, pronounced as bub-a-las, is a slang word from Zulu that is used to refer to hangover. Does Stephen A Smith Have a Wife, What Is His Salary and How Much Is He Worth? (I feel like barbequing something tonight.). Hence, when someone is showing a lot of excitement, you can ask why are you happy? and this can be said in Afrikaans as is jy gelukkig. On the surface of it, seems rather complicated, however its really not! Origin: Swahili phrase. belinda blind. Those who speak English use the equivalent English words as slang. Used to curse that Bliksem. (bah ki)):This slang is used to refer to a type of pick-up truck or a utility truck. 7. africtionary - Website for African Slang dictionary. Maybe next time!. It is a special kind of chips that is thicker and is usually made by soaking the chips in vinegar before they are prepared. Kiff or Kief: This word is used to mean neat, wonderful, great, cool or wicked in the English. Example (food): Hierdie slaai is baie lekker! South Africa is made up of eleven official languages. Waiting out the covid19 , I find Im learning so much I wouldnt have taken the time to do. Example: Jy moet nou voetsek uit my huis uit. Here are a few Afrikaans slangs and their meaning preceding them: The word Awe which is an English word to show surprise is actually used as slang in the Afrikaans language. I broke up with KevinShame. This term could also be used to refer to a luxurious train that travels from Pretoria and Cape Town. Today the word bakki is now a part of the words in the South African English. When you want to express such a bond, you can use the word familie to say family. If you want to know that a South African is mad at you, be sure to check out for this term. Bra / Bru Bro / Dude. Peradventure you find yourself in one of the Afrikaans communities and you intend to thrill them a little and show them a sense of belonging, it is worth knowing a couple of basic Afrikaans words. The majority of Coloureds in South Africa speak Afrikaans. eks from Afrikaans, translated it means I say. This word can also express an enquiry about something, especially when used outside the Kwa-Zulu Natal region. List of South African slang words. Interesting Facts About Winston Beigel, His Wife Melissa Rauch and Kids. Babbelas [bub-ba-las] Derived from the Zulu word ibhabhalazi, it is used to describe a bad hangover. WebAfrikaans Slang Words: If you are looking for a country with a large variety of cultures, languages, traditions, wildlife, or outdoor activities, nothing can compete with South Afrikaans is a language that is indigenous to about 10 million people in different countries of southern Africa, from South Africa to Botswana, some parts of Namibia and Zimbabwe. No, I am not joking. Who Is Naked DJs Wife, Girlfriend or Baby Mama? You may have to battle with a lot of vowel clusters in the language, but it is nothing that the right practice cant treat. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Turkmenistan! in South Africa meaning "we will all make it". Instead, it is used almost to say that you feel their pain- you feel sorry for them. After saying it a few times, you actually start to understand why South Africans say it. Loved re-visiting the language. For example, 2. agatha a gossip. [eye-koh-na] A These six words and phrases should give you an idea of the influence that Afrikaans has had on the popular slang used by South African English speakers. e.g. South African slang has some of the coolest, weirdest and down right confusing slang words of any language Ive ever seen! Example: Ek is gatvol vir my baas by die werk. Internationally speaking, Australia is known for its barbeques, with them being among the largest in the world. 23. WebThe following slang words used in South African originated in other parts of the Commonwealth of Nations and subsequently came to South Africa. It can be followed by a number of other words to emphasize the feeling. "mung" - the term mung means to lose a life playing video games and it also represents Pallsmoor jail, you gonna go to the"mung" when you stolen something and you get caught by police. Some could be used for contexts that do not mean to be offensive. It sounds like being carefree. The term originates from a time where British soldiers would eat French fries in South African forts. The full name of the sausage is boerewors. A DJ U & TP, "2 I (! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. These bars were in most cases frequented by the blacks. I love learning a little bit of local language when I travel if I can. Eish! Example: Ek het my kop gestamp teen die muur, eina! Many of these terms occur in the Cape Town and Durban areas, and few in Indian areas in Gauteng. Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in South Africa, Mpoomy Ledwaba posts inspirational message about having faith as she moves into new offices, Jury hears Elon Musk told 'lies' that cost Tesla investors millions, 'Skeem Saam' viewers proud of Pretty Seakamela for rejecting Lehasa Maphosa's proposal: "She did well", Mzansi woman gets dragged for saying men with smart shopper cards are embarrassing: "It's not for dumb people", Trump presses Facebook to restore his account, Stories about TikTok star Malcolm Wentzel that will surprise you, Enroll for NOSA courses for your workplace, Most valuable South African coins (with images), Construction workers discover human remains in Tembisa building burnt during 2021 July unrest, "2 Different people": Woman's pregnancy transformation has peeps in disbelief, Gayton McKenzie singles Ramaphosa out for 16 years of empty promises about ending loadshedding, demands a plan, United Airlines sees 2023 profit jump amid tight capacity, Mzansi drags DJ Zinhle's fashion sense, Twitter users say she dresses like a 1st-year student from UKZN, Zulu culture, food, traditional attire, wedding ceremony, dance and pictures, 6 names, one man - Nelson Mandela and how he became Madiba, The beautiful Princess Charlene is teaching her twins isiZulu. The communication of how you care or cherish for someone can no longer be impeded by a language barrier when you are in an Afrikaans-speaking country. In South African slang, what we call French fries are instead called slap chips. Comment below! Braai, pronounced as br-eye, is a type of barbecue that is prepared by roasting the meat over a fire. This is a work-oriented slang word that is used to refer to a boss. It would interest you to know that this language is closely related to Dutch, and to an extent German as well. (Afrikaans - asshole-full). 1. Munt: Blacks: Rhodesian. Most commonly, youll hear it pronounced almost as if its one word. This is by no means a complete list and popular phrases differ by region. #19. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words. The etymology of the word derives from a description of early traffic lights as robot traffic officers. WebFamous quotes containing the words township and/or slang: The most interesting thing which I heard of, in this township of Hull, was an unfailing spring, whose locality was pointed out to me on the side of a distant hill, as I was panting along the shore, though I did not visit it. Steph Purk LLC 2019 - 2023 | All Rights Reserved. belinda blind. As quoted in This Little Light of Mine, ch. 7. 6. 4. It is neef. The slang is used to refer to vagrants who stayed in the 2. Boerewors are well known for their distinctive, continuous spiral shape, with many measuring several meters long! Originally this word was an international English word. Although it literally means I say, it is used in greeting. Arvie: Afternoon, e.g., Well pop round for tea sometime this arvie. Leekker (lack-er): This is a slang derived from the Afrikaans and means or acts as a sign of acceptance, approval, good or great. Which are your favorite South African slang words? 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