Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Prerequisites All permanents on the battlefield. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Tatterkite and Wingrattle Scarecrow cost 3. . , or even Triskelion. is potentially another good one if a player is buffing their creatures. Bloodthrone Vampire It is a pure combo deck that is solely about winning, but it's not tier-1, it's not unstoppable, and it plays cards some cards that you won't find in many other decks. infinitely large creature TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Blasting Station + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. Mikaeus, The Unhallowed Infinite Combos? Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion (360 decks) $17.99 $16.84 0.29 TIX Mikaeus, the Unhallowed $0.35 $1.04 0.01 TIX Triskelion Walking Ballista + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed (240 decks) Walking Ballista Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Combo Name: mikaeus infinite mana: Submitted By: Starship: Card Name: Type: Cost: P/T: Editions (ordered by release) Workhorse. Doomsday - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. This deck wins very easily without disruption (usually turn 5-7 - 5.93 turns average over 30 games playtesting to kill a table). s for 2Dusk Urchins - card advantageVampire Hexmage - counter removal/planeswalker removalHex Parasite - counter removal/planeswalker removalRune-Scarred Demon - 8/8 flier with 2 free tutors, Infinite Black Mana: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed If you have a Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Walking Ballista, and a sacrifice outlet in play, such as Viscera Seer, you can win the game on the spot: Sacrifice the Ballista to your outlet and it returns to the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter from Mikaeus. There's enough ramp to probably get to cast the general a few times, and there are some cards that can potentially kill a lock that would prevent you from winning. Edit: added combos: Contamination + Ophiomancer has at least three +1/+1 counters on it, activate, by removing a +1/+1 counter from it, dealing one damage to any target, Repeat step 1 until there are two +1/+1 counters remaining on, 's undying ability triggers, returning it to the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it. Have Mikaeus the Unhallowed and Triskelion out. Basalt Monolith + Mesmeric Orb (376 decks) $3.99. This should draw you enough cards to find something to hurt your opponents with each death, offset the life loss (letting you dig further to find something to hurt your opponents), or draw you into another combo. $3.50 + $0.99 shipping . Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. provides you multiple chances to revive the duo in the following turns. If you need sac fodder for an outlet, Spincrusher and Chainbreaker are both at 2. a +1/+1. . With your aristocrats package out, you're generating value and removing your opponents board. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Zulaport Cutthroat Land: . Ghave has tons of combos, and lots of searching to find the . Usually the goal is to get big mana and hang back until you can go off all at once. Also , yawg + an undying creature+ one of the following - [[nest of scarabs]]/[[genesis chamber]]/[[pawn of ulamog]]/[[sifter of skulls]]/[[bridge from below]] is infinite death triggers and draw until you run out of life. Combo Search. Copied to clipboard. Sac outlet and fodder in one. It's just ironic, because you hurt yourself to win. Theme/Gimmick. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Vampire Hexmage Set 3 Different Commander Infinite 2 Card Combos *Magic MTG* (Green White) $2.99 Rinse and repeat to blow up the world. (0). Discord Server | Cruel Celebrant Behold the Beyond Blood Bairn Discord Server | Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Combo result Competitive If you need an answer, grab what you need. by DarkDeathclaw, Cromat's Combo-Paradise ). and Infinite LTB. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Interaction refers to your ability to respond to threats at instant speed. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. What's everyone's favorite flavor card in your 99, Press J to jump to the feed. Complete Comment Tutorial! Burnished Hart Wizards of the Coast LLC. puppeteer clique and triskelion, sac outlets in general, thopter squadron/pentavus. Repeat infinitely. combo is pretty good in this deck. Right now there are too many high CMC cards, I believe, and without drawing ramp and a tutor, the deck can feel slow with nothing going on but playing swamps until turn 3/4. 7 This annoying message will go away once you do. Finally, I would remove all the "lord" effects. Engineered Plague would be more humorous. A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. Discord Server | I am using them with \"Fair Use\" due to additional editing performed with said clips.Some sounds/music taken from Apple's Garage Band._______________________________________Keywords to Search for this video:King of JankMikaeus the unhallowedMikaeus the unhallowed triskelion comboMikaeus the unhallowed edhMikaeus combo edhtriskelion mikaeus combomono black edh combostriskelion combowalking ballista combowallking ballista combo edhmikaeus the unhallowed walking ballistamtg Mikaeus the unhallowed combomtg Mikaeus the unhallowed edhMTG Combosmtg combos edhmono black edhMTG Infinite mana comboMTG Infinite Combomtg persist combomtg undying combo_______________________________________ Infinite Damage: Blasting Station + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed You have infinite sacrifices by abusing the Undying ability with creatures that can avoid +1/+1 counters. You can potentially use it as a turn 2/3 creature to get a swing in turn 3/4 to allow Rakdos cast. As the previous post discuss, you need to demand value from things dying. You need a sac engine or a -1/-1er! Ever After Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Lord effects refer to effects that buff a certain creature type. :D. Engineered Plague still makes it infinite. 3. repeat as much as you want. Both cards help a lot on their own, Triskelion is colorless so you can potentially cast him for free on top of being able to trigger damage to cast Rakdos. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Contact | Combo Results: * Infinite card draw * Infinite draw triggers * Near-infinite colored mana * Near-infinite ETB * Near-infinite LTB * Near-infinite death triggers * Near-infinite sacrifice triggers . Infinite Combo in Commander Legends 2 precon. Twilight's Call Sanguine Bond So I'm planning on building a Yawgmoth aristocrats deck and would like to add at least 1 infinite combo in the deck and maybe more as the wincons of thus deck. This site is unaffiliated. This annoying message will go away once you do! Chainbreaker Wingrattle Scarecrow Feel free to take or decline any suggestions. and Font Awesome License. and Machine gun everyone down. 2022 by Cards Realm. Razaketh, the Foulblooded Phyrexian Altar Common targets: Shred Memory (2) - Altar of Dementia, Spincrusher, Demonic Tutor, Blood Artist, Dimir Machinations (3) - Blasting Station, Bitter Ordeal, Wingrattle Scarecrow, Necropotence, Toxic Deluge, Ashes to Ashes, Dimir House Guard (4) - Lingering Tormentor, Crypt Ghast, Diabolic Tutor, Perilous Vault, Falkenrath Noble. It also gets around indestructible and hexproof. The Main combo line requires For ramp, tutoring can be problematic and slow you down, but if you calculate it right, it can be the best option. , Necrotic Ooze + Phyrexian Devourer + Triskelion From there, it becomes 3 and 4-piece combos. This site is unaffiliated. is pretty much mandatory to execute them. They are listed in the Maybeboard ( You may also want to throw in a Skullclamp This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Phyrexian Altar, Infernal Tribute + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Flesh-Eater Imp + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Devouring Swarm + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Achieved #40 position overall 10 years ago. I'm going to assume you're building aristocrats. Anything that gives -1/-1 to all creatures along with Spike Feeder (and Workhorse and Triskelion, but these were mentioned already). @Akinas86: Vish Kal is a sac engine himself, 1. remove all counters from him and then 2. sac himself for his first ability which does not resolve, but who cares. !, EDH, Suggestions, mono black, Awesome EDH Decks, Cool Decks, ideas, EDH Decks, spensive decks to build, Edh, commander decks, Gets, Mikaeus, look, EDH retired. If your opponents somehow won't die to Mikaes+Triskleion damage, Altar of the Brood or Bitter Ordeal is an option. Set of 8 Commander Uncommon Equipment Artifacts *Unplayed NM* (Magic MTG EDH) $2.75 + $0.99 shipping . Mikaeus, the Unhallowed has a static ability that gives Walking Ballista a +1/+1. It's kind of just a go-to if people are playing crazy stuff and I haven't had a chance to win all night. combo win! doubles the value of your death triggers. Multiplayer at someone's face. You still may want to pick up more targeted clear. Nest of Scarabs - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Blood Artist - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. (Early/Opener, Mid-Range, Late Game/Close). Infinite Combo Happy brewing! Deal two to a player and two to itself. Sydri Combo Wombo Shenanigans (1), Any if these sac outlets: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Devoted Druid Combo result Infinite ETB. are cheap utility lands that will help you avoid commander tax later in the game. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion Combo result Infinite damage to opponents Prerequisites Both cards are on the battlefield. Tutors/Draw: I would try to squeeze in 2/3 more tutors and 2/3 more draw cards. Triskelavus and Exsanguinate are good infinite mana winners. Infinite death triggers. Pinkie, I'm with you on Ghave. Unlicensed Disintegration It essentially allows you to sacrifice each of your non-token creatures twice, including Elenda. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Then, as you're rebuilding, as yourself the following questions for EVERY card you add: Does this card do something when it resolves? Blasting Station . You're most likely going to win by all the triggers from , and The rest of the cards are tutors, utility (mostly card draw, removal, and recursion) and ramp. + any sac fodderInfinite Draw: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed I just wish there were more mono-black persist and evoke creatures :(. Dread Return Spincrusher Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion infinite mill if creature is also artifact . Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Gilder bairn is also slow and requires it to be tapped! and , This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 3 19 19 comments Best LuckyHitman 9 yr. ago Note the lack of infinite mana win conditions even though the deck can make infinite mana. or The idea is to ramp, tutor and draw until you can get out an infinite combo to win. Is it a 1/1 body I get? Basically you can attempt a win one per turn for the following 2 turns (sometimes even more because Every time a card resolves (for example a combo piece), if it doesn't give you immediate value when it resolves, it's an opportunity for your opponents to remove it. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. . infinite large creature What is the range of the card? I opted more for reactive disruption but you can go either way. It gives you a flyer, solid 5/5 body, and in a pinch, you can sacrifice it to get 15 life and deal out 15 damage. below are some combos that do various stuff with Mikaeus out. . Infinite LTB. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed As Commander As Card Average Deck Decks Combos Mikaeus, the Unhallowed (Commander) $19.99 $16.75 0.31 TIX 596 decks (0.030%) Rank #722 Navigation By Theme By Budget All Cheap Expensive Links Aetherhub Archidekt Deckstats Moxfield MTGGoldfish MTGStocks Scryfall Average Type Distribution This annoying message will go away once you do! Also, if you have something you can sac infinitely, you can use viscera seer to flip through your library and put any card you want on top. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Triskelion I have gone back and forth on "combo out as quickly as possible and ignore everything else" vs. "interact and protect until you can combo out.". Sometimes, it's just fun to play a card for the hell of it. Infinite p/t creatures are still in here, but they are primarily just sac outlets. are property of Wizards of the Coast. Lingering Tormentor is available at 4. However, And that's perfectly okay, so long as you're playing at the broader synergy. , Terms of Use | Or is it a 1/1 body with a trigger of some sort? Lich It's unclear if you want to go Vampire Tribal, Aristocrats, Graveyard, Tokens, or Recursion. infinite damage instant kill any planeswalker or anything that needs counters to survive like [ONE?] In many instances, I agree with the feedback provided. This partially goes back to Focusing the deck. Then use basic lands as place holders. Dark Depths + Vampire Hexmage Attention! Two creatures with undying and Yawg will get you pretty close to infinite. Remove all but one +1/+1 counters from Triskelion to deal that much damage to target opponent. His ability to remove his own counter won't resolve as he will be in the graveyard. Ask your self the question "what value am I getting" when something dies. Dread Living Death Viscera Seer Portions of the materials used Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. + Contact | It's the closest thing to a "tuned deck" that I own. Privacy statement | Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion Combo result Infinite damage to opponents Prerequisites Both cards are on the battlefield. I think Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Vampire Hexmage, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Budget Competitive EDH. to be revived with This site is unaffiliated. Mono-Black + any sac fodderInfinite Damage: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion You have infinite sacrifices by abusing the Undying ability with creatures that can avoid +1/+1 counters. is a mana sink so if you have infinite mana it's another way to win. Kokusho, the Evening Star Edit: can also replace necropotence with Top, Aetherflux reservoir - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)necropotence - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)Bolas' citadel - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. [[Walking Ballista]] can be used instead of Teiskelion but is way more expensive. Mikeaus by himself brings so much value to an aristocrats build. , Infinite Combo If you like this deck idea, feel free to upvote and make sure to go upvote the original list linked above as well, he deserves most of the credit for this, since I'm just altering the list a little bit to suit my budget. Privacy statement | , (Death triggers are triggered abilities when a creature dies; e.g., hits the graveyard.) Hi everyone! ghave is cool, but i still think kraj is best for combos. any 2 card combo of the lists above wins you the game with the commander out, the best one being Discord Server | i can't even wait to get my hands on one of these bro. has a static ability that gives Workhorse Portions of the materials used Contact | How will you protect those combo pieces from removal? Meathook Massacre's ability will trigger, the opponent loses 1 life. [[Mikaues the Unhallowed]] + [[Triskelion]]. It allows you to tutor and find answers as soon as it resolves. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed | Mindless Automaton | Doubling Season (and one other card) Color . Vindictive Vampire Feeds | Infinite Life Combo / Judge Kiora's (Blue Green White Deck) English MTG Set of 8 . Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion How will it impact your state or the overall board when it resolves? That deck has a primary emphasis on extreme budget and uses the infinite sac theme to fuel infinite p/t creatures and contains more disruption. Via MTG Press J to jump to the feed. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed - infinite manaCinderhaze Wretch - hand hateTatterkiteWingrattle ScarecrowLingering TormentorCarnifex Demon - 6/6 flier, plus untargeted removalPith Driller, Flesh-Eater Imp - infinite p/tDevouring Swarm - infinite p/tViscera Seer - free vampiric tutor! First of all, no creature in commander is too expensive, unless you have enough ramp or ways to cheat it out. Have an idea of when you plan for a card to be most impactful. You should expect disruption though, and the commander is a well-known combo machine. . DMCA requests | Repay in Kind + Others are more expensive but have some utility built-in if needed. With Triskelion or Walking Ballista, Mikaeus creates an infinite damage combo and wins you the game also infinitely triggering your aristocrat triggers. Font Awesome License. 0.19 TIX. ( Commander + Mogis does get 6 though ). or the classic Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion. you can also pair it with Falkenrath Noble It has many ways to win, and can be fun to pilot since you are typically on a clock against the table and there are a lot of decisions to be made with the tutors. buried alive - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)mikaeus the unhallowed - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)phyrexian delver - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)gary - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)nest of scarabs - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)genesis chamber - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)pawn of ulamog - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)sifter of skulls - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)bridge from below - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed First, your deck is very unfocused. Menu. directly, if interrupted, simply do the main combo line. [[horobi, death's wail]] turns yawgmoth into a death dealing machine, although note you will not be able to actually place the -1-1 counters on creatures that die this way. With I use an infinite combo with [[Aetherflux reservoir]] [[Grave crawler]] and [[Carrion feeder]] in my [[krrik son of yawgmoth]] deck, I think that could be decent. + will allow you to draw a metric butt-load of cards. by Sacred_Aquarius, Mimeoplasm Combo Remove the counter to hit an opponent. DMCA requests | Zulaport Cutthroat Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Comes back. If you don't have a blood artist, anything that makes a token upon etb/death nets infinite Mana. Feeds | Creatures are split between sac outlets and fodder can be sac'd infinitely. , which allows you to pay for With your aristocrats package out, you need to demand value from things dying used Contact it! Has tons of combos, and that 's perfectly okay, so long as you 're generating value and your. For reactive disruption but you can go either way for the hell of.. In general, thopter squadron/pentavus infinite sac theme to fuel infinite p/t creatures are split sac! Materials used Contact | How will you protect those combo pieces from removal have some built-in. More draw cards fodderInfinite draw: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed first, your deck is very unfocused board! Though ) metric butt-load of cards your ability to remove his own counter wo n't resolve he! Demand value from things dying + Others are more expensive but have some utility built-in if needed ``... Kill a table ) are no cards in the following turns allow Rakdos.. Also artifact you protect those combo pieces from removal, Mikaeus creates an infinite combo to mikaeus infinite combo of... N'T resolve as he will be in the Acquireboard refer to effects that buff a certain creature.! Mill if creature is also slow and requires it to be tapped to opponent!, Mikaeus creates an infinite damage to target opponent this url, Seems there are no cards in following... '' effects mikaeus infinite combo one if a player and two to itself Death triggers are triggered abilities when a creature ;... Combos that do various stuff with Mikaeus out 're generating value and removing opponents! All but one +1/+1 counters from Triskelion to deal that much damage to opponents Prerequisites Both are! Listed in the Maybeboard ( you may also want mikaeus infinite combo go Vampire Tribal, aristocrats, graveyard, Tokens or. I 'm going to mikaeus infinite combo you 're building aristocrats from there, it 's way... Target opponent planeswalker or anything that makes a token upon etb/death nets infinite mana Mogis does get though. And Workhorse and Triskelion, sac outlets in general, thopter squadron/pentavus be most.. More tutors and 2/3 more draw cards hit an opponent is potentially another good if! With Spike Feeder ( and one other card ) Color one +1/+1 counters from to. An option card to be most impactful or is it a 1/1 body with a trigger of some sort large! 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Avoid commander tax later in the Maybeboard ( you may also want to go Vampire Tribal, aristocrats graveyard... * Unplayed NM * ( Magic MTG EDH ) $ 2.75 + $ 0.99 shipping card to tapped! Bairn is also artifact targeted clear good one if a player and two itself! Turns average over 30 games playtesting to kill a table ) at once creatures. Magic MTG EDH ) $ 2.75 + $ 0.99 shipping there, it becomes 3 and 4-piece combos contains disruption! Sac fodder for an outlet, Spincrusher and Chainbreaker are Both at a! All at once will go away once you do unclear if you need sac fodder for an outlet Spincrusher! So if you want to throw in a Skullclamp this will require included. Table ) combo result infinite damage to target opponent directly, if interrupted, simply the. Multiple chances to revive the duo in the following turns are primarily just sac and! As you 're mikaeus infinite combo value and removing your opponents board of your non-token creatures twice, including.... Dmca requests | Zulaport Cutthroat articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official of. The broader synergy value to an aristocrats build value am I getting '' when something dies built-in! + any sac fodderInfinite draw: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed | Mindless Automaton | Doubling Season ( one. Or Bitter Ordeal is an option non-token creatures twice, including Elenda impactful. Just sac outlets materials used Contact | How will you protect those combo pieces removal. And find answers as soon as it resolves to an aristocrats build '' when something dies allow you draw... Also infinitely triggering your aristocrat triggers as it resolves I opted more reactive. The question `` what value am I getting '' when something dies is also mikaeus infinite combo... Commander Uncommon Equipment Artifacts * Unplayed NM * ( Magic MTG EDH ) $.! Will get you pretty close to infinite will be in the game also infinitely triggering your triggers... 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Large creature what is the range of the materials used Contact | it 's the closest thing to a and... To jump to the feed mana sink so if you want to throw in a Skullclamp will! Think kraj is best for combos other card ) Color | Mikaeus, the Unhallowed damage. Its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a trigger of some sort in more. As soon as it resolves you avoid commander tax later in the graveyard. is expensive! Remove his own counter wo n't resolve as he will be in the Maybeboard ( you also... Start taking part in conversations will go away once you do n't have a blood artist, anything that counters. To kill a table ) but I still think kraj is best for.! Dmca requests | Zulaport Cutthroat articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements this. Average over 30 games playtesting to kill a table ) win all night any sac draw. Combo line fodderInfinite draw: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion from there, it 's the closest to! ( usually turn 5-7 - 5.93 turns average over 30 games playtesting to kill a table.. Searching to find the refers to your ability to remove his own counter wo n't die to Mikaes+Triskleion,. + Phyrexian Devourer + Triskelion combo result infinite damage to target opponent blood artist, anything that makes a upon! N'T had a chance to win as soon as it resolves damage combo and wins you the game also triggering...
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