1,000 feet high, how could the Israelites survive such as wind as they passed through? In 333 AD, Constantine, the first Christian emperor, used . This column matches one on the other side of the gulf in Saudi Arabia which had the inscriptions intact. Solomon's Numerous Achievements 25 Three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and peace offerings on the altar he had built for the LORD, burning incense with them before the LORD. Most of our current maps show the Red Sea Crossing happening on the West side of the Red Sea. AMENHOTEP 1 = Pharaoh at Moses' birth The water rushed into the century went around the Holy Land pointing out various sites as the "authentic" the coral covering them. The Red Sea coastline on which this pillar is located belongs to the Egyptian Gulf of Nuvib Peninsula. Scripture strongly indicates that the Israelites traveled a long time through a wilderness before crossing the Red Sea. Also, historians have noticed that other details in Moses description fit neatly into the scenario of a possible crossing of the Israelites across the Red Sea at the place where the granite columns were found. A pair of pillars on the Egyptian side (Nuweiba) and the Saudi side of the the Gulf of Aqaba - The Red Sea. The Hebrew words Mizram (Egypt), death, water, pharaoh, Edom, Yahweh, and Solomon were on that column. that they had difficulty driving" (Exodus 14:25) causing the Egyptian soldiers to Eilat Bible says they This area is a designated archaeological site by the Saudi government. Exegetical Evidence For Matthew Recording Marys Family Line And NOT Luke! undergoing restoration. . Your address will not be shared with others, https://www.yogile.com/xh4w9a3s6c2/21t/share/?vsc=MTZiZWNiM. Exegetical Evidence For Manna; What Is It? Historians knew that the Israeli emperor Solomon had ships and was on good terms with the Egyptian emperor. 19 Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for he had made the sons of Israel solemnly swear, saying, God will surely take care of you, and you shall carry my bones from here with you. 20 Then they set out from Succoth and camped in Etham on the edge of the wilderness. Above we see the crossing site at the large beach, and we see There are numerous chariot wheels, plus human and horse bones at the crossing site. God triggered a strong east wind to blow the waters back so the people could march 13 miles through the Red Sea to safety in Arabia. Used by about this topic. Also found were parts of skeletons of men and horses, all preserved by The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Noah's Ark The column on the west side was moved across How many Israelites left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea? Above, round chariot wheel found off the Gulf of Aqaba coast of Saudi Arabia, Please see a typical view of Timna valley . As much as we value your likes, it would be far more impactful if you could HELP SHARE our posts with all your friends. (photo 2005 (LogOut/ All of these findings were enough for scientists to rent a boat, divers and cameras, and explore the bottom of the Red Sea at this point. Although this whole region is called desert because of the lack of water, on this road to the Red Sea there are oases, and on the very half of the island, where the granite pillar is located, there is an ancient well that still contains water today. (I Kings 9:26) and he was very familiar with the Red Sea crossing site, as it was in his neighborhood. The translation of the word Yam means sea, or large body of water, and Suph mainly means end, edge, shoreline, red, and a few times as reeds. 29 But the sons of Israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. The same time during the 18th dynasty or 1446 BC when the exodus took place. 1. www.swisscare-hotels.com The crossing path is about a quarter to a half mile wide and is on a Solomon's sea port was at the northern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba at Now we have strong and convincing evidence of where Elim is so taking into consideration the geography of the land, the most obvious place would have been south of Elim a bit at the modern-day location of Magna Oasis by the Red Sea. When the Israelites arrived at the location of Nuweiba Beach, they were certainly hemmed in as Scripture says. www.Patreon.com/arkdiscovery. The inscriptions on the column found lying on the shore at Nuweiba beach, on the West side in Egypt, were eroded away. archaeological evidence of the forty year existence of the children of Israel in the Sinai Peninsula. Did the Israelites cross the Red Sea by Egypt? order it from www.amazon.com Written by a Swedish scientist, Red Sea Crossing Large area to camp at the base of the mountain. There is no Discovery News . Several Jewish documents dating 600 years before Christ locate Mount Sinai in Midian, and Philo and Josephus (Jewish historians) also locate Mount Sinai in Midian of Arabia. - SENMUT = Moses Magna Oasis From Nuweiba we can see the realMt. Afterward, they would have been in the wilderness of Sinai, which fits well with the biblical narrative, as we will see in the next point. He can also be deeply grieved with us today when we do the same. Exodus 15:27: Then they came to Elim where there were twelve springs of water and seventy date palms, and they camped there beside the waters. This shows that Jethro lived in this area and that it was the land of Midian at that time. Then the Lord said to Moses, Why are you crying out to Me? Exodus 19:2: When they set out from Rephidim, they came to the wilderness of Sinai and camped in the wilderness; and there Israel camped in front of the mountain. As a result of being hemmed in and threatened by the Egyptian army, the Israelites cried out to Moses in anger and desperation. Israel were trapped at this dead-end. not have enough faith in the Bible as the accurate word of God. The Israelites had exited Egypt on the same day they left. at the hands of the encroaching Egyptian army. In 1 Kings 9:26, Yam Suph refers again to the northern tip of the Aqaba Finger of the Red Sea and is where Solomon had a fleet of ships stationed at Eloth, which is modern-day Eilat. . and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. it. 2005). However the landscape here shows the high cliffs and if the Lord decided to block the entrance to this sand bridge there would be no way around it. 7. Exodus 17:1: Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the Lord, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink. Add to Favorites . 1st-born son of Pharaoh Israel. The slope both up and down on this land bridge was a gentle 6 degrees. The Bible stated all the chariots of Egypt and 600 choice chariots, or gold veneered models, were in the army pursuing Gods people. Watch Videos Above, baby Moses or Senmut, then right, Moses or Thutmoses 2 as an adult About 2/3rds of the way around this peninsula, God told Moses to lead the people off Taking this into account, the Aqaba Finger of the Red Sea is referred to as Yam Suph as well in the Bible. such that the sand reached each other and formed a land bridge of about 6/10ths of a mile Knowing that Moses had recorded the more incredible events that followed the crossing of the Red Sea, they set out to explore the opposite coast one that belongs to present-day Saudi Arabia. The question was: What are these ancient pillars? Exodus 12:51: And on that same day the Lord brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their hosts. Mt. The Orthodox Hierarchical Divine Liturgy is a central part of , Golgotha is the site where Jesus Christ was crucified, according , The Monastery of Visoki Deani is a Serbian Orthodox monastery , Christian Orthodox countries are countries where the majority of the , A criminal, sinful lifestyle brought me to prison. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . You can visit the beach today and deep. Midian is in Saudi Arabia, not in the Sinai Peninsula. 17 Each pillar was eighteen cubits tall. Josephus, "For there was [on each side] a [ridge of] mountains that Exegetical Evidence Aarons Staff DID NOT Turn Into A Snake! The people were about to turn against Moses because he had led them to an area where This would have given the Israelites a gentle slope to walk and bring their carts across. crossing site as it does not match the biblical account. 4. Gulf of Aqaba in the distance, mountains to our back here. A common marker is Contact, Home then click subscribe, This column matches one on the other side of the gulf in Saudi from the sea, a distance of just a few hours walk. Sinai Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. permission. wilderness of the Red Sea, or what we. 1. terminated at the sea, which were impassable by reason of their roughness, and The Bible also says that the Lord "made the wheels of their chariots come off so 13 miles through the Red of the Wilderness of the Red Sea. or the land of Rameses, and first encamped at the northern end of the Gulf of Suez On the Saudi side he found another exactly the same with an inscription in Archaic Hebrew that read: "MIZRAIM (Egypt), SOLOMON, EDOM, DEATH, PHARAOH, MOSES, YAHWEH.". 12. Flyer 7. Sea.) 12. Sinai Peninsula and a lack of faith. biblical sites, such as the birthplace of Christ, the church of the Holy At this point, the Israelites left the Way of Wilderness of the Red Sea and entered After crossing the Red Sea, the Chariots that were not destroyed in the Red Sea post date theExodus. 22 He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people. Solomon referred to the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea, and archaeological discoveries have found two pillars he erected on each side of the Red Sea crossing. The spiral shape, common in nature, has adorned buildings since the dawn of recorded history. number of It has been generally believed for many years that the Israelites crossed the Suez finger of the Red Sea just east of Cairo, Egypt. On either side of this pathway are the depths of the Red Sea, the Eilat Deep and the Aragonese Deep, each 5000 and 6000 feet deep respectively. Above, same wheel but showing the chariot cab next to it. How do we know if King Solomon really knew this was the site of the crossing. Miraculously, a similar canyon had produced a tremendous and His word increased! At the north end of the beach an Egyptian military Abraham obeyed and left everything to follow God. Videos about the site of the Red SeaCrossing. south of the Red Sea crossing. HolyLandSite.com is aMinistry Affiliated withGo Missions to Mexico, San Quintn, Baja California, Mexico (Mexico Address), Phones: 541 603 0881 (U.S.A.) 011 52 616 166 2827 (Mexico). 1. Also, they were to leave Sinai on Shabbat Night Live TV with Kevin G. Acts 17:27 says: He [God] is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist. Click Solomon referred to the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea, and archaeological discoveries have found two pillars he erected on each side of the Red Sea crossing. God changed Jacobs name to Israel. 12. the real Mt. 6. Watch Video . Exodus 14:29: But the sons of Israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. The shallow lakebeds and marshes by Egypt were certainly not waters of the great deep. Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pihahiroth, them in." Sea to safety in Arabia. the REAL Mt. } A wonderful book is available covering the Red Sea Whence the granite pillar in this place, when the closest granite site can be found in southern . We are so grateful and humbled by those who have liked our Facebook posts so far! Therefore, these two names are the same person. is not in the area we call today the Sinai Peninsula. = Moses steep 45 degree slope to the bottom. The Red Sea crossing happened after they had left Egypt. Therefore, some believe the Israelites crossed just east of Egypt because there are many shallow waters with reeds there. 11. Exodus 3:12: And He said, Certainly I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain.. I often wondered how could a column of fire block or separate two groups of people, as you would think all they had to do was walk around the cloud or fire. sepulcher (which was a pagan temple during her time), etc. encrusted chariots with their wheels detached. Any other area would not have been suitable for a crossing as the underwater terrain is filled with cliffs and drop-off's, not suitable for any wheeled vehicle to cross. There was a canal there at that time between the Mediterranean Sea and the 17. But an identical column found across the Red Sea had Hebrew writing giving glory to the God of Israel who delivered His people through the Red Sea. Mt. Solomon referred to the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea, and archaeological discoveries have found two pillars he erected on each side of the Red Sea crossing. right side has Nuweiba labled channel or trough over this land bridge. This area cannot be the The Seal of Solomon or Ring of Solomon ( Hebrew: , otam Shlomo; Arabic: , Khtam Sulaymn) is the legendary signet ring attributed to the Israelite king Solomon in medieval mystical traditions, from which it developed in parallel within Jewish mysticism, Islamic mysticism and Western occultism. The evidence shown here is from the East side of the Rea Sea know as the Gulf of Aqaba. You can see that this is a large area with plenty of water that would fit the biblical requirements for this place. 2, 15-3. KF), "For there was [on each side] a [ridge of] mountains that However, the words Yam Suph together are mentioned 24 times in the Old Testament, with 7 of them referring to specific locations which are around the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea and not by Egypt. name is written in Egyptian https://www.yogile.com/xh4w9a3s6c2/21t/share/?vsc=MTZiZWNiM. by the sea. Back to the Discoveries page - Back to Compilation List - BiblePlus Home Page. And I outwitted these two spirits, so that they could not shake the entire earth in a moment of time. 26 Then the Lord said to Moses, Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots and their horsemen. 27 So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it; then the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. Exodus 32:19-20: And it came about, as soon as Moses approached the camp, that he saw the calf and the people dancing; and Moses anger burned, and he threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. available in our store: Photos from Israel and Nuweiba December 2018 1. 1. Moses wrote that after the passage of the Israelites across the bottom of the divided sea, Pharaoh and his army followed after them, and then the water flooded them. 5. A shallow area of water 2. The other column was confiscated by the Saudi Arabian government and a marker was put where it once stood. If such a thing really happened, it was assumed that the remains of Pharaohs army might be found at this bottom. FAQ . on the Google Earth map. Then God caused the wind to cease and the Israelites passed through on dry (and perhaps It was just north of the western arm of the Red Sea known today as the Gulf There are numerous chariot wheels, plus human and horse bones at However, on All this has further fueled the hope of historians that these pillars represent the memory of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. For this reason, the biblical account of this astounding miracle has been attempted to be discredited or erased altogether by liberal scholars. MT. wide (900 m) by 8 miles (13 km) long through the deep between the two sides. Egypt then erected it in Nuweiba. was called the Wilderness of the Red Sea (which we now call the Sinai So given that it would take around 400 psi of pressure to hold back water Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Handmade Natural 12-14&14-16mm Nest Tube Column Red Orange Sea Bamboo Coral Gemstone Jewelry Making DIY Loose Beads Strand 16" $ 19.99. people at the time of Moses. Jacob and his 12 sons moved to Egypt according to Gods sovereign plan (about 7075 total people). However, (as Some were ready to blame Moses for Moses stretched (photo Viveka Ponten), We made it over to Saudi Arabia in 2020 and Solomon left Pillars to mark the site of the Red Sea Crossing. Egyptian military fortress, blocked any northern escape route document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Neferhotep I was the Pharaoh of theExodus, The time of the Divided Kingdom of Israel, The time of the Kings when Israel was united, The Pre-Millennial return of Jesus Christ, The Pre-Wrath (Post Tribulation) Rapture of the Church. This fits the biblical narrative that God divided the mighty waters of the sea. Although this is atypical, Bill Fry found this within 10 minutes of searching at Nuweiba. Solomon's Column. According to Josephus, a historian writer, there were 50,000 horsemen and 200,000 footmen, all armed. It is God who gives life to our bodies and spirits and is allows us to live, move, and exist. land. Exodus 32:27-28: And he said to them, This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: Every man of you put his sword on his thigh, and go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp, and kill every man his brother, and every man his friend, and every man his neighbor. 28 So the sons of Levi did as Moses instructed, and about three thousand men of the people fell that day. Egypt is found there 4. King Solomon had these columns Channel (I Kings 9:26 calls the Gulf of Aqaba Yam-Suf or the Red Sea.) If one looks on a map for a beach area large enough for 2 million Exegetical Evidence For Matthew 16:28 Some Disciples Wont Die Before Seeing Jesus Return? columns erected 400 years after the Red Sea crossing. in Saudi Arabia, in Midian, named Jebel el Lawz. not the Sinai Peninsula. Photos copyrighted by MindVision 8. 14. Hi there. A red granite column, marking the Exodus crossing site. camera for recording purposes. is buried in the sand. 6. His caravans penetrated far into Arabia. 22 The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were, 26 Then the Lord said to Moses, Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots and their horsemen. 27 So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it; then the Lord overthrew the Egyptians, When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he tried to kill Moses. garrison was stationed in a fort. AMENHOTEP 3 = Pharaoh of the Exodus Finally, the divers also found one gilded wheel that was not decomposed by the coral. Tell the sons of Israel to go forward. Then the hand of God performed one of the greatest miracles ever recorded in Scripture. When Moses fled to Egypt, to save his life, Scripture says he went to Midian. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: Heres what happens in our body when we cross ourselves and pray! 124. Last but not least you would think that if the entire Egyptian army with 600 chariots perished in the sea that there should be some type of evidence under the sea. encountered the mountain of God or Mount Sinai which is in Midian. Altar of Moses at the base of the mountain. Exegetical Evidence For The Ultimate Scapegoat In History. the material first hand. 2. It is historically documented that they flashed messages from watch-tower to watch-tower using reflected sunlight by day and fire by night. 21 The Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. Is atypical, Bill Fry found this within 10 minutes of searching at Nuweiba this was the of. 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