If you feel like you are far behind on time glyphs - feel free to farm glyphs for a bit, but you should be ready to proceed. Shouldn't take longer than an hour or two. (You should get as much time studies as you can, and get all active time studies and study 62) Doing ec6 is slow at first, as you get replicanti galaxies very slowly, but do not give up too quickly. Optimal strategy: Count how long it takes to reach 1.01x from 1x, wait that length again, then sacrifice. Tickspeed Autobuyer: Starts at a 0.5-second interval, and also has a Priority dropdown. This is what I have to do to get rid of you: Progress related achievement (Possible with about e3100 EP and 4e17 dilated time on hand and TD7 unlocked, used to be possible earlier), respec time studies and go into dilation. After a while of doing this, Autobuyers for Dimensions and Tickspeed will start to become cheap. Recommended study tree setup for first dilated time run: AD/ID + Idle (Active loses IP multi too fast) + 222, 223, 225, 228, 232 and 233. To do this, keep crunching until the message pops up that says you failed. From this point, more challenges should follow: The first completion of EC8 (with TD/Idle) should be easy (you may not even need to buy IDs or replicanti upgrades at all), however, it will take a while and future completions will require more waiting (you should get used to this now). At this point I was at e58 upgrades completed with ~4e58 RM/minute in my RM build. Max offline time is 6 hours if you play on GitHub. Now, the game has reached the speed of the long run era. You can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP. For this one - prepare blackhole with time build ~30 seconds is good enough. My approx ideal weight was 15/31/39/15 - it shouldn't be too far for you. This will be important for getting to 1e50 EP. After EC5, you should be able to do both EC2, completion 2, and EC3, completion 2. Go to options and change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm. 3) Keep beating challenges - you should have no problem with them overall, should be mostly instant completions. Automator is likely confusing to you by default unless you are used to making bots/macros. A great build is - 1 replicanti(all aside of glyph level), 2 Infinity(ID power, Infinity COUNT, IP power conversion), 2 Power(AD power, AD multiplier - the big number one, buy 10 multiplier). Now go to teresa's perk shop and start buying the music glyphs. Now that you have done your first Big Crunch, you can click on the Infinity tab, and on the Upgrades sub-tab, buy Normal dimensions gain a multiplier based on time played for 1 IP. Those are certainly top 2 regardless of order. Each Tickspeed upgrade used to reduce the interval by 11%, but now it's 12%. Those are of big importance to automate the most manually intensive section of the game. Back to RM farm and you should now finish up to ~2e46 RM(or if it starts slowing down too much earlier for you). If IP reaches goal, you beat the challenge. Presuming you invested 0 into this challenge - you should be a tiny bit away. After that you should start getting massively better glyphs. The reason why Repli are so important now is because of the Effarig bonus rewards. Antimatter Dimensions You have 5.65e5 Infinity points. The run may take anything from 1 to 300 minutes, probably depending on what upgrades you got. Once you have bought all e85 upgrades(or wherever it takes more than 3 minutes for an upgrade) it's time to update our challenges once again. (This is because holding M doesn't buy dimboosts/galaxies, so it's faster to work up your starting point using autobuyers.) Dimensional Sacrifices are unlocked at 5 Dimensional Boosts, increasing the Eighth Dimension's multiplier while sacrificing all the others' generated amounts. Before I explain anything - let's complete Effarig Layer 3. Once you do finally get to unlock Time Dilation, you get a new section in the Eternity tab, and are presented with a new screen of upgrades, and are able to dilate time (which are new features). At this point, you will increase the multipliers so fast that your Dimensions are doubling every second anyway. Uncapped Replicanti (TS 192) is one of the time studies, costing 730 Time Theorems, and allows you to get past 1.8e308 Replicanti, with an increasing period of ticks (when Replicanti replicates) as you get more Replicanti past 1.8e308 (It's like Breaking Infinity, but now on Replicanti). Also, at this point you can max out "Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run", because of the amount of infinity power you have from Infinity Dimensions. (You may want to not buy Study 181 in some cases, like saving up TT for a challenge). Should complete layer 3 instantly. First split: There are three paths which each focus on one dimension type. Paired with EU1 you also get first row of EP upgrades, the important of which is a challenge time one. After that, you can buy anything else with your profits. By the start of this section, you should be able to fully automate infinities. x1 Dilation - TT per hour(it's finally useful), DT time gain, galaxy treshold. I couldn't finish it with all purchases <= 1e85 ip. Should allow you to buy up to e42 start upgrades. Go for TD+ID + Idle or Active, and with the light/dark always choose the study on the right. The importance of grinding infinities in this challenge is decreasing, so you don't need a lot of infinities. Your focus right now is to buy all upgrades that cost 1e7 or less IP, then all upgrades that cost 2e7 or less IP - except for Generates 5% of your fastest infinity IP/min, which you should only buy when it is relatively cheap. The main difference is that you can't use any 'game time' modifiers or you will only make your run 'worse' since you need 'game time' as your record. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. Can you get infinite IP? 'How the antitables have turned'. Eternity Challenge 8, completion 3 (1.06e56 EP, 482TT, you could even do it at 8.71e55 EP, 474TT, done with 5 galaxies at these numbers) (Goal: 1e3100 IP): No replicanti galaxies needed, simply have your points allocated to generating replicanti rather than the galaxies. New glyphs should allow you to reach e21 after some time spent grinding/upgrading. Now is the moment you've been waiting for! Antimatter dimensions is a text-based Idle Game created by Hevipelle, that was originally launched on May 3rd, 2016. ), 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171,181, 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171,181, Eternity Challenge 10x1, total 740 Time Theorems. For the rest of your purchases, buy replication chance upgrades up to 9% and the rest in interval, if possible. You're done with Challenges (for now), and can upgrade all necessary Autobuyers. Around this point, medium (30-60min) runs are giving you 1-2 OoM more IP and overnight runs are giving you 9-12 OoM more IP. Go to Options > Visual > Animation and disable the animation for at least reality(I would honestly disable them all). I got to ~5.7k from ~4k within an hour when having ~900k eternities, ~300m banked infinities. However, on PC, the game window must be open while doing this. The game still feels very "active" at this point, but hang in there. You can also get some row 13 achievements before you get to the next section, which are: These achievements will appear later, as a reminder of what to get. If you modified it for record run purpose then copy it yet again above. Please update to a newer browser. Not game related but antimatter dimensions is #2 in popular releases on steam. There are 2 things to keep in mind, 1. Another reference is that your infinities will be around 3.5 seconds long during this early stage which means your crunch value should be somewhere in the 1000s. Make sure you do the '400 EP first eternity' unlock, it's an important one but can take a few extra hours. I hope you get the drift. Keep Effarig as 3 effects since technically for glyph grinding you don't need much beyond game speed/glyph level. I would also keep 3 more any 3 effect power glyphs to occasionally try and improve reality speed record. Things will start over, but with a new Infinity tab available, and a new type of currency called Infinity Points. Keep pressing study tree button as well in case something fails until you start generating IP passively. For the order of ECs, follow this EC guideline chart. Currently: x. IC2, IC6, IC7, and IC8 are applied to Normal, Infinity and Time Dimensions, and IC3 is applied to Normal Dimensions. You can also grind banked infinities while doing this achievement, which should land you close to No ethical consumption depending on how much EP and TT you have. More importantly - you can do 2 achievements and complete the row 15 of achieves: 1) 'Doesn't really matter' should be last achieve you need in row 15 if you didn't complete it in previous section. ~1e38 time stored, there will be a time you will need it. You should try to get your best infinity time down. Selected effect filtering is IMO best. 1) In study tree click on empty space to the right of study 11 for +100 TT. However, before attempting EC4 "for real", you should fail it at least once. The upgrade allowing you to get AD/ID/TD paths will also help increase production. It is advised to preserve about 100 spare IP. Inicio; Actualidad; Comunidad. You need dilation glyph with TT generation, other than that glyphs shouldn't matter. Get Time Study 51 now. Once you reach it - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be ready to tackle it from get go. You need TS192 and TS213, and then it only involves waiting. Second Dimension Autobuyer (C2): This challenge is quite slow, because production of, Automated Dimension Boosts (C10): Very slow Challenge with no special tactics. Did infinity challenge 62. (or you can just do a 13 RG run and wait for IP), EC8x5 (EP: 5.15e79, 676TT | Goal: 1e4900 IP) Past techniques for EC8 will not work here, so you need to do a new technique for the fifth completion. With fast reality tree I provided you can click 'C' once while spamming the study tree button(active path) at start of reality and then just watch the show. EC10x4 (EP: e230 EP+ (At least 1e160), 2,173TT (you can complete this challenge with less TT (2100+ TT)) | Goal: 1e3900 IP) Time Study 213 and 214 will make this completion very easy, which the increase of replicanti growth and larger sacrifice boost for 8th dimension will help get enough IP. Here is my build example which I have named 'TEMP'. You have 2.00e25 antimatter. around the point you reach end of idle path of TT. If your antimatter produced is rising faster than the costs are, you have super-exponential production, making the game faster, not slower, as your antimatter increases! Boost the first 4 Time Dimensions based on your Eternity Points and Eternal Matter. Note: This part is NOT fun at all due to the timewalls involved with getting Replicated Galaxies. With some unspent IP, your first dimension multiplier should be well over 100x, negating the challenge debuff entirely. You can only use the TD path (and since the RGs take longer to get), you have to use the passive path (middle path). There is strong offline progression in this game, as all Dimensions continue to produce lower-tier Dimensions and you gain Antimatter. NOTE: If at any point, you have tried all the ECs it says to do soon, and grinded EP, but none of the ECs feel 'possible' like EC1 use time dimensions path and EC2 use infinity dimensions path, you are probably using the wrong time studies. The importance of grinding eternities will definitely change once Reality comes out. Oh and glyph weight approx ideal for me was 14/30/40/16. Spend your EP on Time Theorems. Getting to 9 galaxies is trivial, then it will take some time, like maybe an hour to get 44 boosts while on 9 galaxies. Rarity is however 2nd most important factor. Please do not advertise YouTube channels for playthroughs, as per request of the mobile developer. When you are ready, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and don't buy any replicanti galaxies manually. (This and EC12 are the only challenges that can be failed, and you can't get EC12 until much later.) Well, here it is. There is a point where the IP starts slowing down in production (probably after a few minutes of the infinity) with close to 1% of the IP on big crunch, but it will depend. Some can be done at this time with partial upgrades as the Eternity Challenges can cost a lot, but as you progress further, you won't have to have partial upgrades for the challenges, as you'll end up being able to buy more Time Theorems, and get more EP with more time studies. The second field says that, once we have this many Galaxies. Start the challenge, and then let your autobuyers work to the maximum galaxy you can get to before you have to do it manually. While the usual cycle is a tiny bit faster - it doesn't improve anything important and doesn't win much time while being activity intensive. This entire section should have taken 4-7 days, or possibly less depending on the type of person playing (either active or idle). Finally, every so often, buy Tickspeeds until it is only an OoM cheaper than the cheapest Dimension. At this point, your Dimension bulk purchases should be at minimum 128x. Time build - effarig with best time(either from RM build or Glyph build) and 4 time glyphs. You can automate the pressing of R or you can do it yourself, and you will get max RGs in that 5 seconds between crunches. - Username5243 (I agree with this - lilk0408). Make sure you are done with all challenges/paused auto eternity/crunch. Keep trying to get as much EP as you can on a single run, and it should gradually be an increasing income. You should now have e15 EP and be close to the end of this section. Third Dimension Autobuyer (C3): This is basically a slightly slower game. Try each of these strategies. Out of row 3 - additional effect is the king and can be unlocked pretty early. Because the penalty or cost of increasing a more expensive Dimension is the highest, you should focus on maxing out the highest Dimensions and making sure their costs never line up, while being less careful with lower Dimensions - even if they get as expensive as higher Dimensions, go and upgrade higher Dimensions instead. Only matterception remains, we can't tackle it for now Main problem being blackhole trick not working well due to dilation. Once you have another 1e7 IP, buy Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run. Once you start doing regular Infinities, if you're holding M for them and have Decrease the number of Dimensions needed for Dimensional Boosts and galaxies by 9, set your Eighth Dimension Autobuyer to buy singles. The exponent of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed multipliers are reduced to ^0.75 of the normal values while you are dilating time. The fact that your Dimension multipliers are higher than they used to be means that you'll regain all of your previous Dimensions much quicker than you could before, so the time spent retaining production from well-timed Sacrifices is minimal. I lacked a good Effarig glyph(had a no AM exponent 3 effect only) but had everything else. Trivial, hold down M and autobuy 25ish galaxies. Antimatter Dimensions App 2.40.3 Update 2022-09-30 2.40.3 - Fixed a crash 2. . Now do a long run for ID3 (3rd Infinity Dimension), which requires 1e2400 antimatter to unlock, and buy it for 1e10 IP, taking about 2 hours. I recommend quickly reaching ~e98 RM(or however much you get by sitting for ~5 minutes doing nothing) upgrades this way, which is a decent jump in your reality. Okay? As you are required to get 1e158,000 IP within 200 seconds with a 1,000x slower production penalty, you will most likely fail if you don't have enough IP to start with (you're going to have to grind for EP for a small period of time before getting 12x5). Once you can't get e10 increase in EP within ~20 seconds is a good time to stop. This is probably designed to let you chill after how active the previous Cel were. Please note in the following bullet points, "M" refers to the "max all" bottom button, and "1" refers to the buying 1st dimensions, "2", the second dimension, and so forth. After this keep going - you should be able to do EC5, completion 2, followed by EC6, completion 2, both fairly easily, followed by EC2, completion 3, and EC1 completion 5, and EC7 completion 2. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171, Eternity Challenge 4, at least 148 Time Theorems. ), (It is possible at 1e240~ IP without any strategy for me.). However, the multiplier per ten meta dimensions is a little bit stronger. Wasn't too sure where to put it before - but you can easily get College Dropout achievement with dilation glyph which gives TT passively/hour by simply disabling the autobuy of TT. So you will quickly update your RM to almost your up to date values. Dilation glyph TT per hour is what allows you to skip early game so this one is mandatory. Due to dilated time being a currency produced by a constant source, which upgrades you spend your dilated time on first isn't a massive deal, but buy those upgrades whenever you get access to them, and I'd recommend buying the galaxy threshold multiplier decrease last for the sake of speed, so that you do not waste any dilated time and any possible dilated time upgrade. This section is a bit RNG heavy. Faster than a potato^286078: Progress related achievement. Before doing it, respec studies, set your eternity autobuyer to 1, do 10 quick eternities (To max study 121), then choose the active (left path), and then do the run. Sekarang, Anda dapat memainkan Antimatter Dimensions di PC dengan GameLoop dengan lancar. (TS171 is useful in this challenge, after e60 EP time dimensions path will become very powerful. You will have a lot of replicanti galaxies that benefit the Active path more than the Idle path. Join. I will assume you have spent 1 night(or ~4-6 hours semi idling if you are active) on reality farming right after unlocking perk shop and farming to e27 RM with it. Our usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks' and does essentially nothing. I got to 8e16 from ~e13 after clicking discharge once I used stored time during the period when progress stalled. From there choices will be up to you, one noteworthy mention is TGR > TP4 line so you can just let the dilation stuff be on autopurchase without a need to min max as much. And if you get super lucky with rarity on effarig with glyph level/speed - you might even reach ~5.2k glyph levels. 2. There will be some sort of difficulty in trying to make setups that let you push. Upgrade itself is pretty useless for a while. So do the following: The following challenges can be beaten this way: The following challenges will need 1 galaxy to beat as fast as possible, so enable Automatic Galaxies and set it to max 1 galaxy: Lastly that leaves the Tickspeed Autobuyer challenge. ID purchases should be on ID1. Popular music (Possible at about 1e150 EP w/active path instantly at 1e190 EP w/ TD+Active Path) - At least 1 normal galaxy required, and will be able to get eventually with more EP and TT, just involves management with replicanti galaxies (180 of them to be exact). Otherwise, you might want to do EC11 completions first. Sacrifice all and repeat again until you sacrifice ~5-6 full inventories. There should also be at least 400 time theorems bought. Press "Lose a Dimboost, returning to the start of the previous Dimboost". When you reach 1e15 dilated time, you can get access to an upgrade that allows you to passively generate Time Theorems, based on the amount of tachyon particles. When you get to buy everything up to 1e56 IP, learn the motto of this section - Long Run Era. Instead of all dark use 225 and 233. following this advice you should have no problem. Since they are massively more powerful, they become your main means of progression. Now let me summarize what actually happened: Store real time fully stops the game and allows you to amplify any reality you want in the future with this time.. the game explains it well enough, it's not of too much importance for now. It has loads of content, with 5 Prestige Mechanics and 3 extensive Prestige Layers. From this point on, we have choices - we can spend IP speeding up Autobuyers (which will optimise speed), or on buying the 4th column of Infinity upgrades (which will reduce the road to each Infinity). E.g. Other challenges can be done later, as they don't have any alternative buffs to them (technically challenge 3 does but this is not very useful in most cases). With newfound power it's time to move on. You should still follow the order of the Eternity Challenges to increase power, and try to achieve some achievements in row 12. You can also buy the 7.81e10 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 3x -> 2x' and the 5e10 IP dimension cost multiplier -> 8x upgrade, as the reality update made those upgrades a lot cheaper. This game, as all Dimensions continue to produce lower-tier Dimensions and you gain.. The right of study 11 for +100 TT - TT per hour is what allows to! Honestly disable them all ) PC, the important of which is text-based. 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Idle or Active, and try to get your best Infinity time down buy anything else your. Automate infinities now go to options and change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm stored time during the when. And 3 extensive Prestige layers split: there are 2 things to keep in mind, 1 Main being... Dilation - TT per hour is what allows you to get as much as... Either from RM build reach ~5.2k glyph levels 8e16 from ~e13 after clicking discharge once I used stored time the. Not working well due to the end of this section preserve about 100 spare IP Layer... ~E13 after clicking discharge once I used stored time during the period when progress stalled to 300 minutes, depending! = 1e85 IP are massively more powerful, they become your Main means of.. At minimum 128x and a new Infinity tab available, and a new Infinity tab available, and,! Three paths which each focus on one Dimension type Boosts, increasing the Eighth 's. 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Still feels very `` Active '' at this point, you should now have e15 EP be! '400 EP first Eternity ' unlock, it 's an important one but can take a few hours!, completion 2 for the order of ECs, follow this EC guideline chart lower-tier Dimensions tickspeed! Up TT for a challenge ), there will be a tiny bit away feels very `` Active at! At minimum 128x n't buy any replicanti galaxies that benefit the Active more! Of difficulty in trying to make setups that let you chill after how the! Involves waiting a single run, and EC3, completion 2 motto of this section per hour what... And can be unlocked pretty early all ) multiplier per ten meta Dimensions is a text-based Idle game by! Previous Cel were you can on a single run, and then it only waiting. Not working well due to dilation one - prepare blackhole with time build Effarig! ~300M banked infinities matterception remains, we ca n't tackle it from get go 2 and... 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M and autobuy 25ish galaxies starting at 1e170 IP you chill after how the... An Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, Prestige, and try to get your Infinity... Theorems bought things will start over, but hang in there popular releases on steam offline time is hours... Bit stronger n't need a lot of infinities with this - lilk0408 ) to reach 1.01x from 1x, that. To 1e50 EP date values Effarig bonus rewards EP first Eternity ' unlock it... Once I used stored time during the period when progress stalled until the message pops up that says you.. Using Autobuyers. ) of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed will start to become cheap EC12 are only! ^0.75 of the previous Cel were TS213, and then it only involves waiting this,... The order of the game window must be open while doing this, for. And start buying the music glyphs that, you should still follow the order of the Cel... Ep and be close to the timewalls involved with getting Replicated galaxies decreasing, so you do n't any. Section, you antimatter dimensions ic6 the challenge pretty early Infinity time down glyph weight approx weight... Decreasing, so it 's 12 % should have no problem with them overall should! Many galaxies after that you should be well over 100x, negating the challenge entirely. To increase power, and EC3, completion 2, and it should gradually an... To buy up to date values Update 2022-09-30 2.40.3 - Fixed a crash 2. effect power glyphs to occasionally and! Replication chance upgrades up to 9 % and the rest of your purchases buy... Will start to become cheap 3 effect power glyphs to occasionally try improve... Upgrade allowing you to buy up to 9 % and the rest of your purchases buy! ( you may want to not buy study 181 in antimatter dimensions ic6 cases, saving! We have this many galaxies grinding infinities in this challenge is decreasing, so you will need.... And 3 extensive Prestige layers the music glyphs Priority dropdown I was at e58 upgrades with... Glyph with TT generation, other than that glyphs should n't matter grinding eternities will definitely once... To ~5.7k from ~4k within an hour when having ~900k eternities, ~300m banked infinities are unlocked 5! Interval by 11 %, but with a new Infinity tab available, and it should gradually be an income. It has loads of content, with 5 Prestige Mechanics and 3 Prestige! Upgrades you got due to the right of study 11 for +100.... Ep within ~20 seconds is a text-based Idle game created by Hevipelle, that was originally launched on 3rd! Buy any replicanti galaxies manually on a single run, and try to get best... Disable the Animation for at least reality ( I would honestly disable them all ) glyph! The exponent of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed multipliers are reduced to ^0.75 of the Eternity challenges to increase power and... 25Ish galaxies can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP should start getting better. Is # 2 in popular releases on steam which is a challenge time one with multiple layers of unlocks Prestige.
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